Choline – The Brain Supplement

What is choline? Benefits, deficiency, and sources

Choline supplements are beginning to rise due to its association with several important health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol levels and boosting brain function. Choline is the most abundant phospholipid in the body and is used to remove fat from the liver and cleanse the interior of the body. The most common form of choline supplementation is lecithin, and in laboratory studies, lecithin / choline has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol levels. 

Choline supplements for cholesterol

When it comes to taking lecithin / choline supplements for cholesterol and heart health, there are other supplements that have worked better than lecithin. And due to the fact that lecithin is sourced from soy these days and purified through a process that some experts find questionable, adding lecithin may not be the best option. Soy foods have been in the spotlight lately because soy has been shown to contain compounds labeled “pseudoestrogens,” meaning they act in the body in the same way as estrogen. It can be harmful to both men and women.


Choline is often combined with B vitamins, as well as inositol, which is a similar compound, although they are not technically part of this family. Choline is generally not deficient in most people because choline is available through fish, chicken, eggs, milk, beans, and a variety of vegetables. Choline deficiency is generally only a concern for strict vegetarians, pregnant women, and people with certain disabilities. Even in people who consume less than the required daily amount of choline, they generally do not cause a deficiency because the body produces some of the required choline. Therefore, if your doctor has not recommended that you take choline supplements, this may not be the best option.

Benefits in brain function

On the other hand, taking choline supplements to improve brain function can have many benefits. But even in this area, there are many options. Some supplements for brain function contain choline, along with many other compounds like inositol, and others that also stimulate the production of other neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Brain supplements such as CDP Choline powder improve the overall functioning of the mind and brain. Other supplements, such as choline bitartrate, are more specific and use a type of choline to stimulate the production of acetylcholine. Others, like choline and inositol, complement each other to stimulate neurotransmitter production. So depending on what you are looking for, there are different types of choline supplements.


From what I understand, supplements that contain choline from wisepowder as one of the many natural nutrients are better than taking choline alone, because most people generally do not ingest it. Choline is beneficial because it can cross the blood-brain barrier and help stimulate neurotransmitter function, but there are many other supplements that stimulate the production of other neurotransmitters.


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